Aaron Arroyo Picture

Hello, I'm Aaron!

I am a Software Engineer that loves creating. Whether it's designing a back-end API or giving life to user-friendly designs, I enjoy making things that people find useful and fun. I hope that you checkout and enjoy the projects that I have worked on below!


Track-A-Job Image


Track-A-Job is a one stop shop for all job application needs. Applications are quick and easy to find, and you can track your progress for a job!

Busy Bee Image

Busy Bee

Busy Bee is a versatile to-do application that lets users keep up with day-to-day tasks while managing big multifaceted projects.

Flix For Fun Image


FlixForFun is a web application that allows users to search, browse, and purchase movies. It utilizes HTML5, Bootstrap, and JavaScript to create an intuitive user experience, and FlixForFun utilizes Java and MySQL to create an efficient back-end.

Countdown clock Image

Countdown Clock

The title says it all, it is a countdown clock that looks pretty cool! The purpose of this project was to practice my HTML5, CSS3, and Vanilla Javascript skills. The design itself comes from Front End Mentor, but I wrote all the code from scratch.

bloger landing page Image

Blogr Landing Page

Blogr Landing Page is a landing page for a fake blogging platform. The purpose of this was to hone my front-end skills and learn how to bring designs to life.

Pokemon Project Image


With Poke-Project you can view the first 151 pokemon and view basic facts about each Pokemon. Each pokemon card shown flips to simulate a pokemon card. This was built using React.